PTRA Task Forces & Committees
PTRA is a dynamic association, providing its members with tools and contacts to ensure each member’s business success. The foundation of PTRA’s strength and energy lies in the association’s membership. PTRA members actively participate in every aspect of the group’s functions, which explains why PTRA excels at meeting the needs of its membership. If you are a PTRA Rep or Manufacturer member, we encourage you to volunteer! The demands on your time are minimal, but the rewards are great, both personally and professionally for you and for your fellow members.
Education Task Force
Board Liaison: Corbin Gunstream Chair: Blake Coppels ([email protected])
PTRA Staff: Mary Pat Nielson
Chair/co-chair Responsibilities:
- To report tasks and timelines for completion of task to Communications Task Force for distribution to membership
- To pick the new co-chair should the chair leave the Task Force for any reason (retire, BOD appointment, etc.)
- To delegate responsibilities to task force members so that the work is spread out evenly among the members
- To Set Monthly/regular meetings with Task Force so that the Chair/co-chair can report back to the Communication Task Force
- Recruit new task force members and/or reach out to members interested in volunteering
Task Force Mission: To provide members with current information on educational opportunities available to the power motion technology industry to continue to advance the profession.
Task Force Responsibilities:
- Provide Monthly Association relevant articles for the advancement of both Manufacturers/Principals and Representatives (i.e. Articles from Power Transmission Engineering, MANA newsletters, legal matters in our industry)
- Provide updates and benefits for the following programs (but not limited to upon approval of EXCOM/BOD)
- PTRA Academy - THORS
- AD Education Center – Old IDC University
- MANA – MANAcast
- Turner Time Webinars
- Speakers Online Training – Past and Present Conferences
- LinkedIn Learning
- Make sure the Website is updated with correct names and links of available program. Work with PTRA staff to keep this updated on the website
- Education calendar of events on Website
- Example: CPMR is always in early January in Austin TX
Marketing Task Force
Board Liaison: Royce Herring Chair: Dave Wittmer ([email protected])
PTRA Staff: Mark McDonald
Chair/co-chair Responsibilities:
- To report tasks and timelines for completion of task to Communications Task Force for distribution to membership
- To pick the new co-chair should the chair leave the Task Force for any reason (retire, BOD appointment, etc.)
- To delegate responsibilities to task force members so that the work is spread out evenly among the members
- To Set Monthly/regular meetings with Task Force so that the Chair/co-chair can report back to the Communication Task Force
- Recruit new task force members and/or reach out to members interested in volunteering
Task Force Mission: The action or business of promoting PTRA and our services, including market research and advertising. The target markets would be:
- Current members for promotion/value of the organization
- Promoting the organization to other non-member manufacturer representatives and principals
- Recruiting external associate members for services, product, or value-add items to the membership
Task Force Responsibilities: To provide the association management company a monthly update in the form of the following:
- Updates to current research/surveys being conducted
- New goals or projects for future
- Showcase current benefits and future benefits of being a member (i.e. website, new members, get-a-member, Lines Available)
Communications Task Force
Board Liaison: IntrinXec PTRA Staff: Mark McDonald
- The “conduit” to get this information out via: Conference, LinkedIn, Focus Newsletter, Email Blast, Website, etc.…
- It is the responsibility of all current Task Forces to provide material to the Communications Task Force at a prescribed time set by the ExCom/BOD. This would normally be on a monthly basis
- All material submitted to be posted on PTRA website (behind paywall) for all members to view
Membership Task Force
Board Liaison: John Mackenroth Chair: Ken Hutter ([email protected])
PTRA Staff: Mark McDonald
Chair/co-chair Responsibilities:
- To report tasks and timelines for completion of task to Communications Task Force for distribution to membership
- To pick the new co-chair should the chair leave the Task Force for any reason (retire, BOD appointment, etc.)
- To delegate responsibilities to task force members so that the work is spread out evenly among the members
- To Set Monthly/regular meetings with Task Force so that the Chair/co-chair can report back to the Communication Task Force
- Recruit new task force members and/or reach out to members interested in volunteering
Task Force Mission:
- Recruit new members
- Membership retention
Task Force Responsibilities:
- Showcase three (3) members. New members first and fill in with existing member
- “Spotlight” – Every month to showcase a long-term member and a new member (less than 2 years)
- Build a template of questions for this “spotlight”
- Prepare a “Welcome Packet” tailored to new members
- Contact any expired/past due members
- Report due back using supplied spreadsheet from PTRA HQ staff
- Report during quarterly conference call
Rep/Principal Relations Task Force
Board Liaison: Mike Mattis Chair: Brian Ankrom ([email protected])
PTRA Staff: Mark McDonald
Chair/co-chair Responsibilities:
- To report tasks and timelines for completion of task to Communications Task Force for distribution to membership
- To pick the new co-chair should the chair leave the Task Force for any reason (retire, BOD appointment, etc.)
- To delegate responsibilities to task force members so that the work is spread out evenly among the members
- To Set Monthly/regular meetings with Task Force so that the Chair/co-chair can report back to the Communication Task Force
- Recruit new task force members and/or reach out to members interested in volunteering
Task Force Mission: Promote best practices for the relationship between Manufacturers and Representatives such as, but not limited to:
- Success stories
- Why use Reps
- How to work with Reps
- What to expect from a Manufacturer/Representative
Task Force Responsibilities:
- To provide the association management company with content articles, per above, on a monthly basis for distribution to the membership
- Updates to current research/surveys being conducted
- New goals or projects for future
Conference Committee
2024 Annual Conference Chair Dan Bendell
Purpose: One of the greatest benefits of membership is participating in the PTRA’s Annual Conference. It’s a big job to put the meeting together and requires the input and talents of many members!
Conference Sub-Committees
First Timers Committee Don Sutfin
Golf Committee Corbin Gunstream / Mike Mattis
Hostess Committee / Charity Walk Jessica Simpson
Nominating Committee
Immediate Past President Don Sutfin
